Quest for Glory 2 Cheat Codes ----------------------------- During gameplay type SUCK BLUE FROG then ALT+I. Enter the item to add to your inventory: 1. Centime 2. Golden Dinar 3. Food Ration 4. Broadsword 5. Dagger 6. Leather Armor 7. Shield 8. Piece of Paper 9. Small Rock 10. Lock Pick 11. Thief's Toolkit 12. Thieves' Guild License 13. Incense 14. Whirl of Beard 15. Chainmail Armor 16. Magic Rope 17. Gold Coin 18. Healing Pill 19. Mana Pill 20. Vigor Pill 21. Dispel Potion 22. Map 23. Compass 24. Fine Sword 25. Bellows 26. Flower Bouquet 27. Saphirre Pin 28. Griffin Feather 29. Scorpion Tail 30. Ghoul Claw 31. Soulforge (Rakeesh's Sword) 32. Pot of Dirt 33. Brass Lamp 34. Basket 35. Empty Pot 36. Compassion Fruit 37. Waterskin 38. Cloth Bag 39. Powder of Burning 40 EOF Badge 41. Rasierian Visa 42. Oil 43. Water Elemental 44. Djinni Ring 45. Silk Scarf 45. Hand Mirror 47. Black Bird 48. Poison Cure Pill 49. Change of Clothing 50. Saurus 51. Bag of Sand 52. Earth Elemental 53. Silver Tea Service 54. Pair of X=Ray Glasses 55. Leather Purse 56. Silver Dagger 57. Emerald Bowl 58. Rusty Nail