D A G G E R F A L L : E L D E R S C R O L L S ANOTHER C H E A T BY A D A S K O It is one of the easier ones. You will need a hex editor and hex calculator. Your character's attributes and skills are saved in Savetree.dat file in save folder. You will need to make notes of your character's attributes before you save the game (STR, INT, WIL, AGI, END, PER, SPD, LUC and hit points and skills primary, major, minor, miscleaneus). To find the offsets (they are on different offsets every time you save game) find your character's name in that file (ASCII). The attributes are begginning few blank places (00 - hex) after your name. You have to calculate the dec of attributes into hex. Notice that they are repeaded twice , so to make this cheat work change them both. The hit points are few offsets later divided with one blank space (00 - hex). You can change it to whatever you like (FFFF is max). Remember that the game only allows you 100 as max of attributes, so it is better to leave one of the attributes low (I usually use 60 for Luck). During the game you gain higher levels and you will need to distribute the extra points, and you will need the place to do so. Having all the attributes over 100 you will be stucked on your character's skills page - see my point ? If they reach too high level you can lower it with hack. The skills offsets (primary, major, etc.) are few offsets after the attributes (there is some data that shouldn't be changed, that is inbetween attributes and skills). To recognise data of skills look for data that is divided by five blank places (00 - hex). Change them to whatever you want (FF is max). It is better to change them to 64 - hex (100 in dec), as the game might crash sometimes if skill is higher than 100. To find money (it is in different place every time) offset you will need to take note of the money on the moment when you saved the game. Now remember that the data in hex in save game is reversed and it easier to find this when you have more than 1000 gold pieces while saving the game. EXAMPLE 5000 gold pieces is 1388 in hex that means you should search for 88 13 in the file. 10000 gold pieces is 06 55 36 in hex that means you should search for 36 55 06 in the file. Change it to whatever you want. Changing that into FF FF FF (starting from the offset the data of the money started from) will give you 16 777 215 gold pieces - more than enough. I am not responsible for any damages that changes could cause to the game or equipment. (I don't think it should do) Enjoy! ADASKO