MK2 v2.1 - compiled by Henry Tam 1/11/94 To get babality/friendship 100%, don't use any punch in the last round. Can be done at any range. You can do the babality and then the friendship. Mileena: pit fatal: F-D-F-LK fatal: (close) hold HK, release babality: D-D-D-HK friendship: D-D-D-U-HK Kung Lao: pit fatal: F-F-F-HP babality: B-B-F-F-HK SubZero: pit fatal: D-D-F-F-blk or F-D-F-F-HP ??? fatal: (scorpion dist.) F-F-D-HK to freeze F-D-F-F-HP for uppercut fatal2: B-B-F-D-U-LK ???? friendship: B-B-D-HK babality: D-B-B-HK perma-freeze(1.4): left side: F-F-D-HK right side: F-F-HK Raiden: pit fatal: (blk) U-U-U-HP fatal: (close) (hold LK) (release LK) to lift then (blk + LK) repeatedly fatal2: F-F-B-D-F-HP ????? friendship: D-B-F-HK Cage: pit fatal: D-D-D-HK 3 heads: F-F-D-U then hold stick down and hold LP+LK+blk friendship: D-D-D-D-HK babality: B-B-B-HK (can be done multiple times) Liu Kang: pit fatal: D-B-F-F-LK friendship: F-B-B-B-LK babality: D-D-F-B-LK Kitana: babality: D-D-D-LK friendship: (blk) D-D-D-U-LK pit fatal: F-D-F-HK fatal1: (kiss) (hold LK) F-F-D-F (release LK) fatal2: (behead) blk-blk-blk-HK Shang Tsung: fatal1: (sweep range) hold HK, release fatal2: (close) (blk) U-D-U-LK babality : D-B-F-D-HK friendship: blk(B-B-D-B-HK) Scorpion: fatal: (close) (hold HP) F-D-F-F-F (releae HP) toasty: (anywhere) Blk(D-D-U-U-HP) friendship: B-B-D-HK babality: D-D-B-HK Reptile: friendship: B-B-D-LK babality: D-B-B-LK Baraka: babality: F-F-F-HK friendship: U-U-F-F-HK